Is * February Heart Health Month! Whether you have a long family history of heart health issues or not, striving to take care of your heart is very important! Certain nutrients are vital for a properly functioning heart - namely, Magnesium and Vitamin K2. Magnesium Bis-Glycinate The heart is simply a large muscle. When we are magnesium deficient, you risk increases for irregular heartbeat, angina, high blood pressure and diabetes. CanPrev's Magnesium Bis-Glycinate is a super absorbable form of magnesium, providing 200mg of pure, elemental magnesium and is gentle and easy on the bowels! Can Prev Magnesium BIs-Glyrinate 200 Geni 200ng en PRO ISEt 120 nne Vitamin K2 K2 Women, especially those nearing menopause, require vitamin K2 and D3, as a decrease in estrogen decreases bone density. Individuals at risk for osteoporosis or osteopenia would all benefit from a vitamin K2 supplement to direct calcium to bones and not to other tissues in the body. K2VITAL 0mcg of Vomin a 450 Drops per borte CanPrev's Liquid Vitamin K2 supplement is a great way to get your daily dose! It comes in a base of medium chain triglycerides that allows for superior absorption in a liquid dropper form which is easy to ingest for adults and children. NOW ON SALE! Abaco Health #8-3818 Gordon Drive 250 861 3090 Shop Online at Is * February Heart Health Month! Whether you have a long family history of heart health issues or not, striving to take care of your heart is very important! Certain nutrients are vital for a properly functioning heart - namely, Magnesium and Vitamin K2. Magnesium Bis-Glycinate The heart is simply a large muscle. When we are magnesium deficient, you risk increases for irregular heartbeat, angina, high blood pressure and diabetes. CanPrev's Magnesium Bis-Glycinate is a super absorbable form of magnesium, providing 200mg of pure, elemental magnesium and is gentle and easy on the bowels! Can Prev Magnesium BIs-Glyrinate 200 Geni 200ng en PRO ISEt 120 nne Vitamin K2 K2 Women, especially those nearing menopause, require vitamin K2 and D3, as a decrease in estrogen decreases bone density. Individuals at risk for osteoporosis or osteopenia would all benefit from a vitamin K2 supplement to direct calcium to bones and not to other tissues in the body. K2VITAL 0mcg of Vomin a 450 Drops per borte CanPrev's Liquid Vitamin K2 supplement is a great way to get your daily dose! It comes in a base of medium chain triglycerides that allows for superior absorption in a liquid dropper form which is easy to ingest for adults and children. NOW ON SALE! Abaco Health #8-3818 Gordon Drive 250 861 3090 Shop Online at