Kelowna Mayoral candidate BOB SCHEWE -the gloves are off he City. An example is the very west end of McCurdy Rd. Another sugeeston is that some modest single famly housing be constructed much more cost effectve than renovations later, also assisting with mortgage payments And the City is not later spinning it's wheels be brought up to code. As part of the City bureaucracy, I aso saw rsthand many departments hat also need to be addressed On livability once again the Cty counci and mayor have to pnoreze infrastructure. acilties and needs of the exstng residents I just recently retired from the Cty Byw big city problems and costs. Our roadway Dept. and was very much in the middle of the intrasucture needs improvement especialy City bureaucracy for 12 years. I have been in recognized bottlenecks of some of our a self employed renovation contractor and a main arteries. Public transportation has undond back east for over 20 years before agan been brought up by many residents moving here in 1995. My ife experience has especialy for seniors and young people. And also included being in the Westside Fire Dept. why is the City dragging its feet on the long or 4 years, and a dog control officer for 5 Sme promise to develop the Cedar Av beach, 1/2 years for the RDCO. I have also worked which would benefit all our residents, visitors part bime for the last 5 1/2 years at Princess . This community has and tourists alike been very good to my wite and I, and we wish Idealt directly with the street now expanded to other areas of the City beyond the deplorable downtown does and what doesnt work. The current policies and prionties of and council continues to be one of the best camps hat have places to ive in the world. The public has for out a lot of what they see as Iknow firsthand what major issues wih our community. I would lke to start out on a postive note that I agree with the current mayor rightfully promoting and are ust enabling and prolonging the street supporting Journty Home, our arts, culture, fe, which only benefits drug dealers and the diversity and total inclusion of everyone. Now segment of street people that prey upon the weaker, We hve torecognize there are distinct i dferent segments of the street people. There hat of the public as per my open ear policy are hose that quality, are willing to cooperate wh our social agencies, Jouney Home and smlar good programs, and we within the My main platorm points are affordability, communities rudes. These people we have to vability and safety of Kelowna. The current help, get them into affordable housing and get mayor and council policies and priorities h out of the downward spiral of the street have taken all 3 major issues in the wrong e as soon as possible. There is the otter direction, and continues to only get worse. segment of street people which are unwiling I hope everyone has been paying attention to to live within the communty rules with ther the very good arbcles by Ron Seymour on how anbsocial beor They are shopng everyone has voted on major expendnures in stealing, preying upon the weaker, deaing the last 4 years, apparenty svalable on ine. drugs, pimping, vandaing etc, WE have to Iwish to clariey our great dfferences, and yes On affordability, the City has to get irs strongly clrty that they and their way of spending under control, and start placing the needs of existing residents and businesses frst, instead of spending huge sums of money on development hat ony benefe a lew, Some are not welcome here. we have to remove he temporary short term sheers out of away trom al commercial and residential areas The format, setup and nales of the shelters has bo change so as those thst wish to stay off the not smart or cost eflective. Ac was the relocation of the tourist bureau to the end of Queensway instead of a cost effective classic example street and away from the bad influence can eno at me highway locabon against mary Why does the City continue to tby to staft the residents wishes Tourists try puling yourRCMP detachment below the national per avel trailer ito that location- you can capita average in this very busy community fnd t I am not aganst development, but it has to be openly debated, cost effective Why does Kelowna not have a lotering bylaw? Other Canadian cities do. Why do and smart, and good for all the egwe not enforce the no riding bicycles on the the current downtown sidewalks? Why do the police not residents and butinesses. Unlke current Capri-Landmark Sutherland Au, proposal which adversely affects the the established do we alow the property owners, businesses resdents take amay the stolen shopping carts? Why and resdents panhanding from traffic2 Why are the Bylaw Dept and th RCMP dscouraged from was to contribute aporex 35 millon to the problem people and properties? And why is a parking complaint the same bylaw prionty have upped our property and business such as a transient camp along Mil Creek with related point is that the large expenditures taxes excessively in the last 4 years, I would like to see-brear freeze on for associsted needles and antisocial behuior, complex issue which certainly we have bo address. Besides the many good suggestions with diverse housing optons, Once again the City mayor and councl has to reun to Estening to the residents wishes For strong leadership with an open door I would abo Pocy, please vote. To take back your City VOTE BOB SCHEWE FOR MAYOR. to accelerate the unlocking of substanti