DR SPECS OPTICAL SUMMER SALE: Held Over! 2 FOR 1 GLASSES SALE!!! Buy Any Pair of Prescription Eyewear, get a Second of equal or lesser value at No Charge. Must be for the same person. Thank you to the Firefighters, Emergency Response Personnel and the many Volunteers who responded during the recent wildfires. - See in-store for full details - offer valid until August 31, 2023. ORCHARD PLAZA 106 - 1876 Cooper Road, Kelowna, BC NEXT TO SAVE ON FOODS 250-861-1585 info@drspecsoptical.ca DR SPECS OPTICAL SUMMER SALE : Held Over ! 2 FOR 1 GLASSES SALE !!! Buy Any Pair of Prescription Eyewear , get a Second of equal or lesser value at No Charge . Must be for the same person . Thank you to the Firefighters , Emergency Response Personnel and the many Volunteers who responded during the recent wildfires . - See in - store for full details - offer valid until August 31 , 2023 . ORCHARD PLAZA 106 - 1876 Cooper Road , Kelowna , BC NEXT TO SAVE ON FOODS 250-861-1585 info@drspecsoptical.ca