WANTED: 15 VOLUNTEERS with hearing loss to help us test the latest hearing technology We are seeking 15 VOLUNTEERS and a loved one who have hearing difficulties. If you feel that the TV is at a high volume, people have been mumbling more lately, or you struggle to hear n background noise you could be eligible to participate in this study Selection Ends October 26, 2018 W A leading hearing aid manufacturer will be releasing new technology that will break barriers in hearing aid acceptance and listening quality. Participants will be invited to test new technology in a busy restaurant setting Eligible participants can purchase the hearing aids following the trial at a discounted rate if they wish Kelowna Central Capri Centre Ma Kelowna Rutland West Kelowna 2205 Louie Drive Willow Park Shop. Ctr 250-762-2131 250-762-7430 250-707-0087 Expert Hearing www.experthearingsolutions.com Facebok Find us Facebook