ohnHowar SOCIETY OF CENTRAL & SOUTH OKANAGAN The John Howard Society is a registered charity and social service agency with affiliated offices across Canada that are known for offering a wide range of innovative services within the fields of community justice, social services, health, and public interest issues. Community Living Services Justice Services e Restorative Justice e Shoplifting Prevention Program Outreach Community Inclusion e Connections e Gateway e Home Sharing OCC Outreach STOP program Professional Neighbour Employment Services Prostitution Offender Program · Forensic Outreach . Probation Outreach REnEw ACES Education & Involvement . The Mandt System . Mental Health First Aid e Ready to Rent Residential Services Hearthstone Volunteer e Cardington Apartments e New Gate Apartments . Practicum Placement 1043 Harvey House Shelter Services . Cornerstone ° 1033 Harvey House 1440 St. Paul Street, Kelowna 250.763.1331www.JohnHowardbc.ca