Do we belong in the( at a recycling Recycling cart? We belong depot only he ice EMBALLAG KEW Sliced Peahes Pécnes tranchées Crisp No Sugat Added MANCH Don't put flexible plastics in your recycling cart take them to a depot Find a depot near you at, call 250-469-6250 or download | Regional District of Central Okanagan RECYCLEBC the Recycle Coach App EED TENDRE HEWY SNROBE Do we belong in the( at a recycling Recycling cart? We belong depot only he ice EMBALLAG KEW Sliced Peahes Pécnes tranchées Crisp No Sugat Added MANCH Don't put flexible plastics in your recycling cart take them to a depot Find a depot near you at, call 250-469-6250 or download | Regional District of Central Okanagan RECYCLEBC the Recycle Coach App EED TENDRE HEWY SNROBE